Christ Ahnsahnghong, oh my Father, from Heaven you send water of life to me.
From the thirst for words, I'm worn out in this world.
Father's come to me.
You give me from heaven manna to eat.
You lead me to mount Zion heights, where green pasture always grows.
You are my Father.
You're the life, eternal life.

Jerusalem, oh my Mother, from Heaven you send water of life to me.
From the thirst for words, I'm worn out in this world.
Mother's come to me.
You quench me with water, water of life.
You lead me to the river clear, where the water of life flows.
You are my Mother.
You're the life, eternal life.


Eternal life is from God AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother, our God testified the Bible.

July 6, 2008 at 2:38 AM  

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